The Walker County Fair & Rodeo ( plans a week of fun and exciting family activities for those of all ages from April 12, 2020 until April 18, 2020. Activities include family entertainment, carnival attractions, professional rodeo and youth projects. The fair is the youth's week to shine as they exhibit their skills and show what they have learned from their projects.
Walker County Fair Quilt Contest The Quilt Show continues to be an important part of Fair week. Last year there were entries from teens to senior citizens. Doris Collins at Fabric Carousel is sponsoring the show again this year. Check-in for quilts will be at Fabric Carousel, 1101 12th Street, on Friday, April 10, 2020 from 11:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. The quilts will be hung on Sunday, April 12th with judging on Monday, April 13th. The quilts will be taken down on Saturday morning, April 18th. Quilts entered must be pieced by Walker County residents within the last three years. No previously entered quilts nor antique quilts may be entered.
I’m looking forward to seeing this year’s entries. A lot of quilts were finished this year through the Tall Pines Quilt Guild Challenge and should be ready to go.